January 2024: de
lijst bereikte meer dan 1178 verschillende
January 2024: the list has reached more than 1178 proper (and nick) names
to the people who helped this list growing:
Porteous [Scotland], Frederick Crane [Iowa, USA], Tapani
Varis [Finnland], Henk van der Zee
[Netherlands], Georg Decristel
[Austria], Dr. Fred Gerrits
[Australia], Steev Kindwald [Far East/USA], Tran Quang Hai [Vietnam/France], Walter Maioli [Italy], Robert MacLennan [Queensland], Daniel Roy [Quebec, Canada], Michael Wright [Oxford, England], Pat Missin [Jackson, USA], Aksenty
Beskrovny [Siberia], Mathias
Esnault [France], Bernhard
Folkestad [Norway], Étienne
Rouleau-Mailloux [Quebec], Daniel Roy
[Canada], Atep Nata [Java], Palmer Keen [Java], Dr. Brian Diettrich [New
Zealand/Aotearoa], Gonzalo Ceballos [Argentina]; Aleksey
Nikolsky [Russia] and others.
A special note for the person who has noticed that there are more names for
the Jew’s harp, but not mentioned in this list. When you are that person, I
will invite you to send me those names [with - as much if possible -
information about
the location, the people, languages, islands, nations, reference, year
etcetera]. Please write it to the e-mail address:
You have to
scroll it all down
EuropeEurope Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe
Netherlands / Lowlands / Holland: mondharp, mondharpje, mondtrom, mondtrommel, muyltromp, mondtromp, mondtrompje, moeltromp,
moeltrompje, muiltromp, muiltrompje, troemp; Jeudy tromp and Joodse harp [last two are litteral
translations of the word Jew’s harp],
trompen [= to play on the
Jew’s harp] jeugdtromp [= youngster-Jew’s
harp], snorreding[etje] [= roaring thing], bromijzer [= droning iron; translation from
the German word Brummeisen], Oink-beest [= a beast that just says
‘oink’, a metaphor from a Dutch fairy-tale by Nieman/Zuiderveld, 1972], Gedachtenverdrijver [= thoughts dispeller, metaphor used by
Phons Bakx. 1992; is a translation into the Dutch by the archæologist Jaap
Ypey (1917-1986) from the Italian word scacciapensieri,
p. 215/1976 ]; Zorgenverjager [= dispeller of worries / also by Jaap Ypey, p.
215/1976]; speelke, speeltje [both from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen,
the area of birth and childhood of the author of this nomenclature];
Friesland: mûlharpe
F R E N C H – D U T C H T R A N S I T I O N A L L A N G U A G E S
Belgium, Walloneye / Wallonie (=Wallonym / Wallon): gawe, giww-gaww, gaww, gaw; [to play the Jew’s
harp: gaw’ter, gawî, gawyî, gawté ;
a Jew’s harper: gawteû], epinette, tromba d’amore [historical/ironical
names, Vanderheijden/Lemahieu], harpe juive [litteral translation of Jew’s harp], trompe-des-petit-enfants;
Belgium, Vlaanderen / Flanders: [general use] mondtrom; [from the past centuries:] teuter, tromp[e], speeltrompje, boerentromp [= farmers-Jew’s harp]; Belgium, Brabant: troemp, troempe, trompken
France: rébute [15th century], reberbe [16th century] guimbare [obsolete]; bombarde, petite Lyre,
trompe d’Allemagne [last three in a publication from
Nancy, 1779]; guimbarde, trompe, trompe-laquais or trompe de laquais [obsolete], joue, Jeu trompe [= tromp-playing], crancran, trompe de Béarn, gronde [obsolete], rebube, rabube, épinette [obsolete; 1780, Laborde], trompe Juive [litteral translation of the English Jew’s
harp], tambour buccal [= mouth-tambour; obsolete]; champòrni and champoño
[Marseille], fanfornia [Nice/Provence]; champagno, guindarro, guitarro [all from Occitania]; semsonia [14th century, Les Pyrenées];
Corsica / Corse: riberbula
A N G L O – C E L T I C / B
England: standard: Jew’s harp; Iues trounk [16th century based a clerical error!]: Jue Harpes, Jue Trumpes [both from 1481]; Iewes trump[e], iawes trump[e]; [preceding centuries]: Jewes harp, jawes harp, Jew’s harp [since 1595], Jaw’s harp [written since 1711
in the way as Jew’s
harp is written], jaw harp, mouth-harp, horn, Jew’s horn, Jaw’s trump [written in the way as Jew’s trump is written], Jew’s trump; crembala [Comenius, 1671]; worry killer [a local
advertised translation from Italy, translated into English -- translation of scacciapensieri], thought dispeller [translated from scacciapensieri, via the Dutch “Gedachtenverdrijver”, Jaap Ypey/Phons
Bakx]; phonoharp [Jew’s harp with a trumpet-like
soundhorn, in Museum ‘The Shambles’, Newent];
North-East England: gewgaw [= bauble; 1787], gew-jaw [Northumbria], Jew-gaw [the last two seem to be
linguistic combined forms];
Scotland / Alba: trumpaidh, ributhe, ribup, rivupe; [four names in Gaelic [Campbell
1900]: trumb, tromb, tromp and truimb; gewgaw; trump, trumph [last one in
general use in 17th and 18th century]; De’ils trump, Devil’s trump, Dewill’s
trump [last three names
are condemned, that’s to say, it were names given by the 16th-century
twanger [Porteous, personal], giddy row [= awful noise; nickname by Nora
Porteous, Lindsay Porteous’ mother]; region
North Aurshire: Piperheugh-trump (iron trump
manufactured in the lost village of Piperheugh, near Stevenston – obsolete -
before 18th century)
Wales / Cymru / Kymria : sturmant, ystyrmant [very similar to the word instrument]; biwba, biwbo,
giwga, giwgan.
Ireland (Irish
Republic / Éire /
Poblacht na hEireann: trumpa, trumpadh
C I R C U M - G E R M A N L A N G U A G E A R E A S
Germany / Deutschland. standard: Maultrommel; Sumer von Triere [poetical name, Fr. Von Hausen, 12th century], Maultrumme [1582, Fischart], Trumme [1586], Trumm [1629], Trummeisen [1629],
Maultrumpe [1654, Göring], Trummel [1715, Weigel], Maulbrummel [1777], Mauldrumme [Schuppius], Zaubereisen [1820, Kerner], Schnarre [1840, Schmidt], Trunsel, Trunz [both
from Alsace 1907]; Mundeisen, Maulharfe, Mauldromma, Mundharfe
[last name is very
rare in German language area], Brummelstahl, Brummstahl, Brummeleisen, Brummeisen [Praetorius,
1619], Kinnbackenharfe [translation of
‘Jaw harp’], Maultrommla [Nefflem, 1854; Schwaben], Judenharfe [translation of ‘Jew’s harp’], Cythara Judæorum [Skinner, 18th-19th century]; Mundgeige, Maulgeige,
Maulgei, Maulóórjel, Maulorjel, Mauldrommel [all from Saarland]; Mauldrumel [Darmstadt]; Maultromme, Mauldrome,
Mauldrombel, Maulorgel, Maulharmonika
[all from Hessen-Nassau]; Maultrumel [Süd-Hessen] Mulldrumbe, Muldrummel,
Maultrompe, Maultrompete [all from Kassel-area]; Mülorjel [Nieder-Hessen]; Mûltrumpe [Westfalen/Niedersachsen]; Multrumpe, Multrommel [Bergisches
Land/Wuppertal, Nordharz, Ahrtal]; Multrom[m] [Elberfeld, Kleve,
Kalkar, Aachen];
Multromp [Bröltal]; Fotzenhobel [obscene mockery name in
Drombe [Siegerland]. Obvious West Slavian
influences: Drumme, Drummeisen [mixed with Brummeisen]. Latin forms: Trombula, Trombola, , Mundharmonika [since 1792], crembalum, Aura; Sorbian or
Wendish: brumla, brumljava, brumlawa, brumlado, brumlada
Switzerland / Suisse / Schweiz / Svizzera. German language
area: Trumpel [1511, Sebastian Virdung], Trumpeln [around Basel]
Trümpi [Muotatal -- a player is called
here Trümpner, to play on the
Jew’s harp is called trümpnen]; Tremolo [Bosco-Gurin], Tromff, Trümmi [kanton Luzern]; Trimpi, Trimmi [both in kanton
Uri], Trumbel, Muultrumme [= wrangling woman], Multrum [obsolete], Maulgeige; Muul Trummle, Muultrummle [last two in Kanton Bern],
Maltrommel [last two in
Austria / Österreich: crembalum [1735, Hörmann], Maultrummel, Maultumbl,
Trumml, Muultrummel, Muultrummle, Zupftrumml; Twangl, Dirndl-Locka [both from Stiermarken]; Maultrumml [Pustertal]; Maulorgel, Liabeisn [both Tirol]; mockery names: Steiermärkertrommel,
Steiermärker-Trumml, Strohtrommel,
Pilsentrommel, Schlüsseltrommel,
Tschuschnharpfn, der Mentschafanga [last is from Salzburgerland]; typo-industrial
names: der Deutsche, der Ganauser, der Lyra,
der Eichel
Esperanto: bûsoharpo
A L P I N E & R Ä T O – R O M A N I C L A N G U A G E S
In the French
Switzerland language area: rebibe [15th century], rbairbe, rebaire, rebaîrbe [Freibergerland], bombarde, rebaîrbe [North Jura], rbiba, rbibe [last two from South Jura]; rbaîrbe [Freiberge], trompe de Berne.
Italian language
area: timpan, suna da bucca, trumbla [last three in Bündner Oberland and Oberhalbstein]; variations on symfonia,
Räto-Romanic: zanfòrgna, cinfòrgna, zinfòrgna;
tschamforgnia [last from Engiadina/Engadin]; schanforgna, tschinforgna [Graubünden]; North-Italian influence: spassapensieri, cacciapensiere,
/ F I N N O - U G R I A N L A N G U A G E S
Estonia / Eesti: mynn harpa [Swedish languaged popul.], пармупилль/parmupill [= bumble bee,
kon(n)apill [= frog; from metal], suupill [made out of bone; compare Ostyak- & Vogul-names in Siberia], su pill; lotsa-pill, mokapill;
Lithuania / Lietuva: dambras, bandūrēlis [= metal], bandúrka; šeivjale, šeivéle;
Latvia / Latvija: zobasse, zóba spéles [= teeth-play], bandúra, zobasse [= metal]; варгас / várgas, варгана / várgana, wárgana; варганс /
várgans [Jew’s harp playing: варганат/varganat; for original sources, see Russia]
Hungary / Magyarorsźag: doromb [from dorombol = vibrate; doromb játék = to play on the Jew’s harp], drimba, szaj-doromb; dorong, dongó [last two are in
dialect and in use on the pushta]
N O R D I C & S C A N D I N A V I A N A R E A S
Denmark / Danmark: mundharpe [mostly meant for mouthorgan, obsolete as meaning for Jew’s harp], Jødeharpe, mundgige
Norway / Noreg: munnharpe (other grammatical conjugations: munnhorpe, munnhorpa, mundharpa, munnharp, munnspill
Sweden / Sverige: munngiga, mungiga, mungigan [1886], mungigor, munharpa; obsolete: Jødeharpe [translation of
‘Jew’s harp’],
giga [1773], blånjng2 onomatopeia]
Finnland / Suomi: [Karelian]: munniharppu (derived from the Swedish ‘munharpa’), huuliharppu [= lips harmonica or mouthorgan], huulipeli, Suuharppu;
mārīstysrauta, mārinīrauta, suurauta, suupeli, pussipeli, turpajurra [last is a historical name, obsolete], taavetin harppu [= David harp; the last six
names according to Tapani Varis]; pelirauta,
suupelirauta, juutalaisharppu, juutalaisen harppu, pussipeli
Lappland / Sámiid Ædnan: njálbmefiolaš [is not a native
instrument to the Lapps]
Iceland / Ísland: munnharpa, gyðingaharpa, kjálkaharpa
C I R C U M – M E D I T E R R A
Italy / Italia. trombola, crembalum, cymbalum orale [= mouth-bell], viabò [Lombardia, Vincenzo
Giustiani]; [mainland of the
North]: ribèba [15th century], rebebbe [Piedmonte, 16th century], reboeba [Cremasco],
biobó [1608], arbebola [1840, Schmidt], rébebe [Cremona]; bebola, grillane, biobò [all in Toscana]; aura, zanforgna, ribeba, ribebba [all in Piemonte], brombola [Venice], harmonica, grillone, riluca; spassa pensieri [= enjoying thoughts, metaphor Bonnani,
19th century]
caccia pensiere, scaccia pensieri [= thoughts-dispeller]; variations on symphonia: ciamporgna [Piemonte], zanforgne [Modena], zampogna, sampogne [= bagpipe/equivalent
for the native bagpipe - Torino]; zanforgna, cinforgna; callaruni, zapurra, zampurra, ganganarruni [all in Gallura]; garavlena [Romagna]; trumba, marrancuni [Campidano]; sanforgna, ribobia [both in Lombardia]; tromma, chitarra degli zingari [all in Calabria]; tromma, tromba degli zingari [all in Campania]; tintine [Friuli]; cianforma, sanforma, gianpornia [all three
in Liguria]; tromma portafortuna [a lucky charm Jew’s harp against the
Sardinia / Sardegna / Sardinna: sa trunfa, sa trumfa, sa trumba lodina,
sa zampurra,
su piaboi
Sicily / Sicilia: [north] marranzanu [= cricket], maranzan [according to Georg Decristel], marranzana, marranzanu sicilianu, marranzano, marranzuni, moranzano, marranzeta, marauni [Catania], marrucchinu, mariolu di fera, mariolo, mariuolu, maridu [Palermo]; [south]: ‘ngannalar[r]unni [Agrigento], calarunni, gangamarunni, ningalarunni, nghinghilarruni, angalarunni,
Greece / Elláda: organon / organon [= instrument; used as a standard
name], mpiamp; mpiampώ [Greeks of Smyrna, 1840]; no Jew’s
harp-tradition is known in Greece
Portugal / Portugal: zamponhe; berimbau, brimbau, birimbao [probably connected with
Bantu-word ‘imba’ = song / Ortiz, 19th
Spain / España: Castilia, in general: arpa de
boca [= mouth-harp], birimbao, birimago, berimbau, trompa;
Aragon: sanfoina de ferrero [= blacksmith’s hurdy-gurdy]; Catalunia / Catalunya: champorgna, sanfoina, samfoina, sampsonia,
sansonia, sinfonya, sinfonia, synfonia, pampa; birimbao, verimbao, berimbao,
berembao [last 3 words obviously
connected with Bantu-notion imba,
which means ‘song’]; Asturia /
Asturias: arpa judia, trompa [last name also in Galicia]; Galicia: arpa de boca, trompa de boca; Basqueland /
Euskal Herria:
trompa, tronpa, tronpa musukitarra, muxukitarra, mosu-gitarra [last three: kiss-guitar], mosumusika, aho-soinua; [there is in use
also]: trompe de Béarn, trompe; Gerona: sinfoyna, samfonia, pampa; archaic names are: guimbarda, trompa inglesia, trompa de
Paris, trompa galega, guimbarda provenzal
[1890s], guimbarda napolitana [1890s]; pio poyo, pio pollo [= squeaking chicken; transferable: warbling skirt; also: girl with
longings; metaphorical/mockery
name for obsolete Jew’s harp of Andalusia]
E U R O – S L A V I C L I N G U I S T I C A R E A S
brumbice [no references on both names]
Czech / Česka / Slovakya / Slovensko: obsolete: crembalum, trombola; standard: drumbla; dialects: drum’la, drombl’a, dromlja, droml’a,
drm’a, drumlica, dromblička, drnčály, bzučák [=
roaring thing], rapkač, rapčadlo [=
rattle], bžundačka,
břindačka, brumlačka, brnčadlo, brnkáš, brnkačka, brunda, brundica, grumbla, grumble, grumle; grmle [Horňácko], drndačka
[= pluck-thing, 1598, Veleslavin]; drnkaäka; drmle [Moravské
Valašsko]; [in Bohemia, on the
highlands of Českomoravská Vysočina; [influence of
the German ‘Brummeisen’]: brumajzla, brumejzla,
brumesli železný; brumagzl [1700, Vusin], brumeisen, bruml’a,
brumbla, brumle, brumla; obsolete are: hausličky ústni [= fiddle for the mouth] [1598, Veleslavin];
Poland / Polska: drumla, dremla; [before 1650]: dromla [17th century], bromble, brumla
Sorbia (Wendowie): brumladeo
Serbia / Bosnia / Croatia standard: дромбуля/drombulja; дрмбулй/drmbulj, drombulye, drombulje; брунда/brunda; brundica, брукалика/brukalica; брукавика/brukavica; drombuljica, drombuljice,
дромбуа/drombu’a; Kajkavian dialect of Croatia: brunda [= the
grumbling one]
Slovenia: brumda, drumelza, dromlja, drumeljce, brumbize
Russia / Россйя: standard: варган/vargan, wargan [in ancient
Russian it means “mouth of a soul” (ref.
TurboZen)] in plural form: варгани/vargani, wargani; арган/argan, орган/organ, ворган/worgan [probably vargan and argan [and allied words] are linguistic derivations from old Mid-Greek organ(on)/organ(on), = instrument] or from Vulgar
Latin arganum [general for instruments]; notice that: vargi [Slavian] = mouth; warga [Polish] = lip; varga/vorga = mouth; means ‘to
sing’ (among Lemko)]; варган-или-зубная-губанка/vargan-ili-zubnaya-gubanka [= lip-and-teeth-instrument]; зубанка/zubanka [зуб /zub = tooth; name is for Jew’s harp of Udmurt origin], труба/truba;
in official use came: хомус/khomus [origin from Uralic linguistic
Belaya Rus / Bielorus / White
Russia: дримба/drýmba, drïmba, várgan, varghan [East-Belarus]; вурган/ vurghan; варганисма/varghanisma [last both for Central-Belarus]; дрымба/drimba [South-Belarus]; друмла/drumla [West-Belarus]; argan; варгас-подковка/vargas-podkovka [= horseshoe-shaped Jew’s harp]; кобза/kóbza [1879]
Ukrain / Ukrayina: дримба/drîmba; [from Hutsulshchyna:] drymba , drïmba [there’s a
Ukrainian verb drymbati = to dance]; drumlya; dorombá [influence from Hungary]; worgan, órgan, várgan,
vigran, varhan, vargane [see also Russia
for these last six names]
Bulgaria / България: дръмкало/ dr’mkalo; дрънкало / dr’nkalo; дръбъзък / dr’mb’z’k; драмбой/ dramboj; drombla /дромбла; drimboj /дръмбой
Rumania / Moldavia: drîmbă, drîmboaie, drîmb, drînd, drînda, drîng; [Maramureş]: drâmbă, drâmboiu, drembà [Italic language
influences in Rumania
are absent here; it’s not sure if they are obsolete]
Albania / Shqipëri: vegël tringulluese
G Y P S Y & R O M A N I L A N G U A G E S
In Gypsy-language/Rromani ćhib: grambola [derived from the Latin form crembalum]
Pan Pan-America Pan-America Pan-America Pan-America Pan-America Pan-America
United States of America: standard:
Jew’s harp; Jaw’s harp, Jew’s horn [last two written in the way as Jew’s
harp is written]; juice harp [Texas, 1940-ies]; jaw harp,
Jaw harp, horn, Irish harp, trump [1982, Frederick Crane]; Snoopy harp
[nickname by Bilyeu], Whitlow
harp [industrial tradename of a maker], Juce
harp [1837], Jewsaphone
[= megaphonic Jew’s harp, Gohring], Ozark-harp,
Dusie Harp [industrial Jew’s harp-name, for radio
& orchestral work, 1950], Mouth harp, Juice organ, harp, Jewish harp, Jewish mouth harp, Jew-harp,
Jewsharp, Jews heart, mouthfiddle; marranzano pancake, Omaha
Flapjack; Louisiana [Cajuns]:
ruine-babines [originated from the French language of
Nouvelle France, Canada] Canada, Quebec: bombarde [most common use; the name is the same
as the little oboe
in Brittany [Bretagne, France] or the lowest drone of an organ];
(French parts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince
Edouard Island): bombarde. In
the beginning of 1900-ies: trompe, brise-babine, musique de gueule; bombarlouche (the
word bombarlouche has been introduced in 1930 by singer Madame Bolduc
(1894-1941) in her song ‘Mon Vieux est
Jaloux’, in which she demonstrates the Jew’s harp as a bombarlouche itself.
It’s a transfromation of bombarde; trompe [Nouvelle-France, 1698-1699 / in Montreal-area, 1919]; guimbarde [like
the French in Europe], ruine-babine
[more in use for mouth
harmonica but also for Jew’
s harp], , rebuth [Nouvelle-France, 17th/18th
century], gronde
[historical name, around 1700]
Nunavut: qanirvaluutik
[Inuit-language recorded at Baie
Cuba: trompa
[obsolete], birimbao,
trompa de Paris;
Haiti: militô [derived from French mirliton]
Costa Rica: arpa de
South-America. standard: trompa; marimbula, marimbao [for
the last two names the location and language are not known here]
Venezuela: trompa
goajira [among Goajira-indians];
Columbia: turompa
Brasil: trompa [obsolete] berimboca, harpa de boca, berimbau de boca;
Chile: trompe,
torompe, xompe, xompo [last
three among Mapuche-people], colobrina [in Quatrahue, Malleco
Argentina: trompa,
trompo, trompita, torompe, billimboa; yapinah,
ñaipini [= mosquito for the last two], tsonaj [= hummingbird], talú’pa,
séli pasát [= bird-call], [last five names among Araucano/Mataco-indians,
Chaco Gualamba]; kadoheidé
[among Tobas/Pilagás], vat’aohanché
[among Chulupí];
Bolivia: mapuíp
[precolumbian Jew’s harp, among
nomadic Bauré-indians, East-Bolivia];
Peru: pirutu
[official name in the
Quecha-language], gualamban [Toba-indians]
Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia
Asia Asia
Persia: qopuz [15th century], zamburak, zanboorak, زنبورك
Turkye: aghz tanbūrasī,
ağiz muzikasi [notwithstanding
the lack of a Turkish Jew’s harp-tradition, still two official names could be
Israel, official use in
Hebrew: nevel pe, נבל פה
For the remaining
part there were no original Jew’s harp-traditions in the area of the Middle East
Afghanistan: čang, chang, ﭽﺧﮓ
[= harp, common among Pashtus];
cheng, tchang,
chang ko’uz, čangko’uz [Uzbek]; qobiz [Turkmen];
Pakistan: cang, chang [Sindh];
India, Central- and North-: morchang, munchang, mōōrchang, monchanga, murchang,
murčang, mochanga, morchanga, morchank,
mučanga, khanrong
South-India: morsing
[in Karnataka, in Andhra Pradesh], mōōrsing,
mursing, moursing, morshingu [all combined
forms of mouth and horn = srnga]; mourching, morching
Rajasthan: morcha, changari [= small Jew’s harp], ghoraraju [Rhatwa-people in South-Gujarat], ghoraliyo, ghorāliyau, ghodyũ, ghodyun [all bamboo Jew’s
harps; Kalbelia-cast];
Madya Pradesh, Bashtar-region: tendor, tendohor,
kach-tendohor [iron & bamboo
Jew’s harp-types; Muria-tribes];
Bangladesh/Bengal: yangroi [Lesa-population]; vazang [is made of wood;
Kerala: mukhar-shanq [= mouth-conch];
Assam: gaganā,
gonggina, goúgina, gogona [Garo-population], ka mien [Khasi-people in the Meghalay-province], jangroi, yheku, mazin [last one is in
use in Nagaland];
Deccan: tonda ramma [in use among the
Tamil Nadu: mugar-sing, நாமுழவு, அல்லது, முகச்சங்கு;
Nepal: kha-wan(g) [Dolpo-pa-tribe/Thakali-tribe]; binaiyo, binayo, malingo [last one is made
out of cane; last three names among the Nepalese population]; чангу / tchangu, reké [made out of rush], machinga, murchunga, murcungā [last 5 names in
use among Sunawar-population]; macúnga, machúnga [Rai-population]; murjanga [Tamang-population]; kom-i [Limbu-population]; kha-rna [= mouth-tambourine;
Thakali-population, South-Tibet], srug-ma [made out of rush-straw], tsampa [made out of barley-straw; the
last three names among the Tukucha (Tukucha also live in Tibet)]; gon kap [Tamang-population
in the Timal-region]
The linguistic forms, as a name for the Jew’s harp,
present in Eurasiatic, Ob-Ugrian, Uralic and in some Turco-Altaic or any
other palaeo-siberian language cluster, can be related to three different meanings
of the name: 1. as a string[instrument]; 2. as a throat[resonator]; 3. as
a name for an insect (specifically because of the roaring noise)] – among Chuvash: вархан/varkhan; varám-túna, varám-túma, warchan;
палнай/palnay, kúpas [= musquito; a metal Jew’s harp]; among
Mari: kovïzh, kovýzh, kabás, kabásh, umshá-kovh;
Kirghiz: темир комуз/temir komuz, temir komouz [= iron lute], ooz-komuz [= mouth-lute], kïguatch
coz komouz, kobys-chungur; komus [= cockchafer]; жигач-ооз-комуз / jigatch-ooz-komuz, жыгач ооз комузе/ zhygach ooz komuze;
Armenia / Hayastan / Հայաստան: бэрни вин/berni vin;
Turkestan: among Turkmen: гопуз/gopuz, kобус/qobus, qobiz, kopys, kовуз/qowuz, гапыз/gapyz; among the Khazaks: шан-обыз/shan-kobyz, шон-кобыз / shon-kobyz, kil-kobyz, komyz, komous, kabys, koubys; among the Tatars: кубиз/kubiz [influence from Finno-Ugrian
origin], kobus, kubýz, komys; among the Bashkirs: кубыз/ kubýz, кумыз/kumýz, kumýs; agách-kubýz,
agách-kumýz [last two are made out of wood], темир кумыз / temir kumyz, агас кумыз /agas kumyz; temir-kubýz, temir-kumýz [last two are made out of iron]; among the Udmurt: zubánka, umkrés; among the Sojots: koms [1895, Ostrowskich] kozulun-komys [recorded by Emsheimer];
qowuz, qobus; among the Uzbek: cang kavuz, ceng kavuz, чанг-кобуз/chang-kobus, chang-kavuz, temir-chang, chang-ko’uz, чангковуз/ changkovuz; among the Tadjik: tschang kobus, chang-kobuz, temir-chang,
changi zanona; at the borders of the river Jinesei: kiguatch coz
C I R C U M - S I B E R I A N L A N G U A G E A R E A S
Altai / Алтай: комос / komos; temir-komus, kobys-tyunyur [its name is compared to a
tambourine], komys [= cockchafer] khomouss; ат-комыс /
at-komys, кой-комус /
koj-komus, тая комус / taia
komus, челер комус / cheler
Tuva / Тыва: temir-khomus, эяаш-хомýс / əyásh-khomús / дая-хомýс / daya-khomus [last two are made
out of honeysuckle-tree], söösken-khomus [made out of the
mountain rose-willow], charty-khomus [consists of a flat chip of wood and two arms as a frame], yjach-chomus, йияш-хомус / yiash khomus [last three names
for wooden Jew’s harps], demir-khomus or demir-xomus [made of iron]; kuluzún-khomús and kuluzún-komýs [both: wooden,
needle-shaped Jew’s harps]; sheler khomus [wooden or bone
Jew’s harp with a string for contraction], kabás;
Khakasi-population: khomouss, тимир-хомус / timir-khomus, темир-комус / temir-khomus;
Yakutia / Sakha / Саха: timir khomus, хомус / khomus, мас хомус /mas khomus (prototype made of a wooden
chip); Kachinz-popul.: koms; common in Samoyedic languages: komis; Ostyak/Vogul: túmra, tómra [both from wood]; suuptúmran [made from bone]; also present [from
a Turco-Persian root]: qobis; Buriats
[Irkutsk]: хур / khuur, khur [= string]; Dolgan-area: khomús, барган / bargan,
баргаан /
bargaan, унгуох барган / unguoch bargan;
[populations]: Nanai: kunká, kungkhá [to play the Jew’s
harp = kung], konká, konkáy, muené, pangapoan [the last name emphasizes the
needle-shape], муэнэ / muene, мэнгэ / menge, кунгха /kungkha, пангапоан / pangapoan; конкай / konkai; Udzgejch-population: кункай / kunkai, конгкой / kongkoi, момо кункай / momo kunkai; Manegre-popul., Upper Amur-delta: kamuti [bronze Jew’s harp]; among the Ainu of Sachalin: mukkuna, moexkoena; Oroks: кунга / kungá [made of metal], muhonyu; мухае / mukhae, кункай / kunkaj; Nivch or Nivkh: quingon, quongon, quoŋgoŋ, жаканга / zakanga (iron Jhp), канга / kánga, vychranga [vych = metal], koj kan/кой кан
, khozón,
конгонг / konga chnyr, конга
xнир (prototype Jhp made of grass) / kongong, конгоонг / kongoong, выч-ранга / vytch-panga, кунгахкеи / kungakhkei; тиф-канга
/ tyf-kanga (Jhp with
wooden frame and a pin fixed on the outer side of the lamella); пасла
вут’канга / pasla vut’kanga (idioglottic Jhp in complete frame made of brass) - Even: кункон / kunkon [an idioglot type], kóngkukan, гявкан / gyavkán, баргавун / bargavun, гаукан / gaukan, игун / igun; Negidal:
конкихи / konkikhi, конгкихи
/ kongkíkhi [kon(g) = morpheme for a characteristic
sound, kl = to let it sound, khi = suffix that creates the noun],
мухэнэ / mykhene; Oroch: кункай / kunkai, кунгкай / khungkái, кунган / kunkan [kun = a onomatopoetic
morpheme, kan = to let it sound] мухэнэ / mykhene,; Udegei: kongkoy [a metal Jew’s harp,
idioglot/heteroglot], kunkay, kunkey; kumikáye [= wooden Jew’s harp]; among the Ul’chi: кункай / kunkai, кунгай / kungay, панга / panga [= metal], mugkhény, мухэлэ / mukhene; Evenki: кордавун / kordavun, kongipkévun, kondyvkon, кэнгипкэвун / kengipkévun [all are Jew’s
harps cut out of bone]; panár, purgip-kavun, pangár, tergil bakávun [all are metal
Jew’s harps], конгипкавун / kongikavun, пургипкаун / purgipkaun, пэрнипкэвун / perinpkevun, тэргилбакаун / tergiabakaun,
пэнгипкэвун / pengipkevun, пангэвкаун / pangevkaun; Sel’kup: pəŋgar
[Wasson, 1968], punggar, пынур/pýnyr [= buzzer; pynyrko = to buzz], al’pýnyr [= mouth-buzzer], kezyl pýnyr [= metal buzzer], pol’pýnyr [= wooden buzzer] кызыл-пыныр / kyzyl-pynyr, поль-пыныр / poly-pynyr; Kereki: ваннэ яй / vannè yay; Koryak/Itelmen/Chukchi: варыга /
varyga, ваарган / vaargan; ванни-яяр/vanni-yayar, ванны ярар / vanni-yarar, ванни-яяй / vanni-yayay; the Chukchi also
use: зубной бубен/zubnoi buben [last two names
mean teeth-tambourine] ванны ярар (дерево, кость, металл, китовый ус); Kets: пумыл /pumyl, pyml, lyumel’ [made of wood or
bone], пымель / pymel’, пымыль / pymyl’; Nenet- (or Nench)-population: вывко/vývko [=
hummer]; Tuvinchi: демир-хомус / demir-khomus, темир-хомус / temir-khomus, чарты хомус / charty-khomus, ыяш-хомус / ýyash-khomus, кулузун комус / kuluzun-khomus [bamboo]; Khanti/Mansi: тумран / tumran, тамрэ / tamre, тамрянг / tamrjang, томра / tomra, тумрэ /tumre; Yukagir: ванна ангананг / vanna anganang
Mongolia / Монгол Улс: Buriat-people [obsolete names
for shaman-Jew’s harps]: aman-chur, аман хуур / aman khuur, amon khor, aman tobshuur [all four meaning: lip-string; in present these names are associated
with the Jew’s harp and also with the mouth-harmonica; chur [Cyrillic хур or хор = khur or khor] can be
connected with Churši Noon/Хурсы Нун, the ‘Lord of the Iron Strings’ and the Jew’s harps among the
booglin [shaman Jew’s harp]; temür khuur, temür-chur, tömör khuur,
tömör xuur, tömör hel khuur [brass Jew’s harp], təmər khor [all four meaning iron string], хулсанр хуур / khulsang khuur, хулсан хуур / khulsan khuur, hulsan hel khuur [last three for a bamboo
Jew’s harp], тəмəр аман хуур / tömör aman khuur, thel khuur, хел хуур / khel khuur [= tongue fiddle, name for a
wooden Jew’s harp]; kuru [last in
jil khör [= tongue-string or language-string; Darkhat-population]; yassan khor [Jew’s harp made
of a bone]
T I B E T O – B I R M A N &
Nippon / Nihon / 日本
/ Japan: mukkuri, koukin [= mouth-harp], ko-kin
[previous three
are standard for the Japanese language]; kutsibiwa, kuchibiwa [= buzzing lute; Honsiu]; kuti no koto [= mouth-zither], mukkuna [Ainu-people, Sachalin], Ainu-mukkuri, mukkuri [made of sabita- wood, among
Ainu-people, Hokaido], mookh-kuri; kannimukur, kanimukkuri
[last two are
metal Jew’s harps among Ainu-people, Hokaido]; kyakon, biwabon, biyabon [from Portugese
linguistic origin - obsolete now]
China / 中國: standard words: k’u k’in, kiou-kin, kou-qin; kou
xiang, kouxian [= 3- or 4-bladed mouth strings], gue gueq [three small bamboo Jew’s harps played together in one set, among
Naxi-people]; kuhuang, zhuzhi kouhuang [= bamboo Jew’s harp], jinshu kouhuang [= metal Jew’s harp]; hoho
[among the Yi-people]; k’ou-hsien; standard for North-China: k’o-chin, k’ou-ch’in, koqin, k’o-ch’in, kuqin [all
connected with the Japanese name koukin]; Yun Nan: kouhuang qin, yòu chēng kŏu huáng, kŏu xián, zuĭ qín, huang, hwang [the last two are derived from
the archaic notion g’wâng = free reed], tieyehuang [obsolete iron-leaf Jew’s harp;
Ch’en Yang, ± anno 1094], helang [bamboo Jew’s
harp; Wa-popul.],
tushihuohuo [2-lamellae-Jew’s
harp], magahuohuo [3-lamellae-Jew’s
harp], sixuanhuohuo [4-lamellae Jew’s harp], longgûh or long-gê [3 or 4-lamellas Jew’s harp, sometimes made from bullet-cases;
zhai [bamboo/metal Jew’s harp;
Li-population, Hainan];
South-China: ²kwuo-¹kwuo, ³k’a-²kwuo-¹kwuo [last name is plucked
bamboo Jew’s harp of the Na-khi], ¹dta-²kwuo-¹kwuo [chord-tracted
wooden Jew’s harp of the Nakhi; also among Ta-li-Minchia in Yun Nan]; ncav [in
the white dialect among White-Hmong in the Guangxi Zhuang-district]
Vietnam / Việt Nam: tuong [Are-population]; tong, pang teu ing [Muong-population]; kong-kle, kon hle [made out of
teak-wood, Sedang-tribe], rhnui [last three names
of Sedang-population]; ngoêc, nggoec [iron Jew’s harp;
Mnong-/Muong-gar-population]; goeh, göch [Rhadé-population]; guat [Roglai-population]; rabn cas [general name among the Hmong]; toung [among Koho-, Maa-,
goc, gôč [from the area of Viet Boc, Ede-tribe]; cô êch
[Ede Mthur-tribe];
đan môi [invented by Tran
Quang Hai]; đoc tau đan môi; đan môi tre, đan môi sat [names for Jew’s
harps among Black-Hmong and Flower-Hmong (or Hua Miao) - explanations: đan = instrument; môi = lips;
tre = wood; sat = metal]; röding jörai, röding [Jörai-population]; hoon toeng [Thai-population];
djam [Sa Pa-district,
N-Vietnam]; ă t’linh [among Bahnar-tribe];
Taiwan / 中华民国: ku-chin [in general, under
influence of the Chinese culture]; tiv2,
datok [last one is made with a brass
lamella in a wooden frame; both names from the Ami-tribes, East Taiwan] tubuw sepat, tubu sepatz
[bamboo-Jew’s harp
with three or four metal lamellas; among the Seedeq-tribes] – among the
lubu [a general word], lubu qaw qaw [one-lamella Jew’s
harp], balaz duluk [four-lamellae Jew’s harp], duk dulduk, sain duluk [half wood/half metal Jew’s harp, tuned in secund major] robo [bamboo Jew’s harp with 4
lamella’s of metal]; - among the
Cambodia / ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា: angkuoch, ankuoċ [Angkor-Wat; in
use among Kuy-people in Preah Vihear-area, border of Thailand]; nvatt [Bönon]
Birma / Pyidaungsu Myanma Naingngandaw: gougina, gaganā, gonggina [last three of the
mago [a three Jew’s harp-set for
playing simultaneously; Lisha-tribe, Šan-state]; chæi [single bar Jew’s harp among
Lakhers]; t’xe [among Karen-tribes]; pyē, pau, hoon toeng [last 4 names in use at the Lisu of Šan-state];
Tibet / བོད་: k’api [obsolete from the
kha-rnga [Tukucha-population]; kuxxé [string pulled brass Jew’s
harp], bangsu [bamboo Jew’s harp], kavrang [Jew’s harp made out of iron];
Laos / ລາວ: rab ncas, tōi [made out of
brass; both names in use among Hmong-populations]; hūn [Lao-population]; anking [in use among the Maram]; hroong [among the Khmu Ou-people in the Highlands
of North-Laos];
Thailand / ราชอาณาจักรไทย : ata [Lahu-population]; saga2 [general; an
influence from Sumatra]; jong nong/จ้องหน่อง [in use in Central-Thailand]; yangong [last name was
recorded of a wooden type longer than 100 cm!], shong nong; rab ncas, tōi [out of wood; both
names from Hmong-populations.]; huen/หืน [in use in Northeast-Thailand];
hūn toong [Akha-people], hūn [Lao-population]; a¯hta˘ [in use among the
Lahoe-nyi of Northeast Thailand];
kèmbal [Aryanaprathet – corrupted from the
French ‘guimbarde’]
I N S U L A R L A N G U A G E S S O U T H – E A S T A S I A
Some general proper names: dongke, oedjang,
Indonesia: génggong [standard Bahasa],
harpa mulut
[Bahasa-translation of the Dutch word mondharp (former colonial language in Indonesia)]
Bali & Lombok: génggong lanang [made out of arèn-palmwood
or pohon jako-wood; tuned in a masculin principle] génggong wadon [made out of arèn-palmwood, in a feminine tuned-principle]; for Jew’s
harp-orchestration on these two islands: gamelan
= Jew’s
ginggong, djing-gong, gengon, gingon [last 4 words from Malaysian
Bali: génggong klopokan [= bamboo Jew’s harp with clapper at the end of the string – according
to Kindwald this type is very rare nowadays]; selobér [plucked Jew’s harp, was obsolete in Bali, but the type seems to have
a revival in its production]
Lombok: génggong sassak [among Sassak-population]; antèr, antèl [name for a metal Jew’s harp
among the Sassak in East-Lombok]; slober, sélober [just found in a single community]
Sumatera / Sumatra: hodong2 [= leaf-stalk aren palm; Simalungun-Bataks]; popo, gogo [in
Aceh, among Gayo], djouring, juring [Lampung-Krui-area], saga2, zagah2 [Pakpak- and
Djawa / Java: karinding awi [bamboo Jew’s harp
of Sunda], karinding [Jew’s harp of arènpalmleaf, with forked (double) lamella, Sunda]; rinding, rinding wesi [wesi = iron], karinding
besi, karinding beusi [besi, beusi = iron], karèng [made out of bamboo; 5 last
names from Central-Java]; karinding rakit [three-lamellas
Jew’s harp of wood, Baduy-popul., Bantam-Sunda], karinding towel (innovation by Asep Nata), bahan bambu (Central-Java); grinding [three-lamellas
Jew’s harp]; the three-lamellae specimens have to be intoned by beating the thumb on the
base of the frame.
Madura: ginggung
East-Java: génggong
Borneo / Kalimantan: gariding, tahoentong, garinding
[Dayak], stobung [Land-Dayak]; engsulu, rudieng sulu [both among Lake-Dayak]; aping [Kayan-tribe], tong buweh [Modang]; kuriding [among Banjar-people in Tanah-Laut, Hulu Sangai and Banjar Bakula, all in South-Kalimantan]; rudieng, giriding, teruding, dongke, gendang untuk
‘mulit’ [general use]; uding, uring
Mentawai Island: jajaok,
Nias Utara /
Nias-north: duri
Nias Selatan /
Nias-south: druri bewe
Flores: ginggong, kědang [19th-centuried
Jew’s harp, location: Larantuka, made by
Solor-people from Lamahala], gènggo, robe [very
small Ngadanese Jew’s harp of palmwood], égo [Central-Flores], lědo
[Riangwulu], wěda
[Paluwé isl.];
in the
kobèng [Mbai]; in the Manggarai regency: nèntu [Rutèng], kombing [Rajong] – (all Flores
names collected by Jaap Kunst, 1942);
Sumba: nggunggi
Timur: nago oa [of bamboo], knobé, knobé-oh [Central-Timor],
nago besi [of iron], keit besi [= iron blade],
Timór Lorosa’e / East-Timor: pepuro, pepur; [Atauro-island] karkeit, kakeit
Bonerate: rinda [made out of bamboo];
- Tengah / Minahasa: oli [orkes oli = vernacular name for a Jew’s
- Tana Toraja (= Land of the
Toraja’s): karombii, karombi [Sa’dang-Torajas]; pa’karombi, waringi [among Torajas in general],
- Sulawesi Pusat / Central Sulawesi: yori, kayori [Kailinese area];
- Sulawesi Utara: pare [Tomini-culture, North Sulawesi];
Butung / Buton Island / Pulau Butung: ore-ore mbondu, ore ngkale;
Muna Island / Pulau Muna: karinta
Maluku / Moluccas: kiomie [Nualu-culture];
Aru Islands: berimbak [Portugese influence from berimbau]; Buru-isl.: tingkobi [made from jagan aren-palmwood], woringi [Torajas]
Pilipinas / Philippines: alibaw,
olat, onat, onnat [last
three names are for a brass Jew’s harp-type]; kulang, barimbao, barimbo, kulang [last one is made
out of bamboo; last three names in use among Tagalog-population]; arimbo [last name of Spanish influence]; kinaban [Hanunóo-tribe]; ab-a-fu, abáfyu, abafiu, ab-a-fü,
abafiw, aphiw, afiw [all words belong to the Bontoc-Igorot dialect]; bikung, bi’ung, biqqung, bikkung,
guyd, guyud [are brass Jew’s
harp; last six names in use among Ifugao-tribes of Kiangan and Banaue]; kulaiñg [Kotabato-tribe of Tirurai]; giwong, onat, ulibao, ulibaw, kebing,
kobing [Maranao], kubing [in use among Manobo-, Lanao-,
Kalinga-populations]; kumbing [Ubo- and T’boli-tribes, Lake Sebu, South-Cotabato];
balingbao [made out of bamboo;
Bagobo-population; derived from the Old-Spanish birimbao];
kolibao, conlibao, konlibao, kalibao [all four Tingguian-culture in Luzon], purivan [made out of bamboo], agiweng [made out of brass; last five
names among Tinguian-population];
ko-ding [Ibaloy-tribe]; kulimbau [common name among the Igorot]; aroding [Palawan]; aru-ding [Tagbanua] kolibau
[Tingguian]; kulaing [Yakan]; kading,
koding [Igorot-tribes of Nabaloi]; subing, subiñg [in use among the
Bisayan, Philippinos and Iraya-Mangyan tribes of Mindoro; the subing consists of two privy parts: tiwtiw = lamella, penis; ateg = frame, vagina]; kulibao [made out of an unknown sort of wood; in use among
Negritos/ Baluga]; oribao [Isneg-population]; ediokeko [in use on the island Enggano; obsolete now]
Sarawak [part of Borneo]: teruding, bungkau, bungkao [both in use among
the Dusun-people],
gěruděng, giriding [Iban-Dayak]; rudien sulu, ensutu [out of metal; both names among the Lake- or Sea-Dayak], junggotan, jinggong [last two among
stobrou [Moro, Sulu Archip.];
Sabah [part of Borneo]: bungkau [Kadazan people], turiding;
Malaya Peninsula [Semenanjung
Tanah Melayu]: ginggoeng [an acculturated
name from Indonesia and insular Southeast-Asia, in use among the protomalayan
tribes such as the Jakun]; anoin [of protomalayan
origin, in use among the Orang Seman-population]; juring rangguin,
gingon [Senoi, Sakai,
Temiar]; jyrin [Kelantan-district]; genggong sakai [Sakai-tribes]; rangoyd [Lanoh-tribe]; rangun [Jahai-population]
sia Melanesia Melanesia Melanesia Melanesia Melanesia
Vanuatu / New Hebrides: tawaya [made from the bark of the native cabbagetree]; Espiritu Santo Island: gilgil (name for a heteroglottic
precursor of the Jew’s harp)
Solomon Islands: Nissan: mabu; Malaita: kwadili [To’abaita-tribe]; Buka: ookooko; Santa Isabel: neve; Bougainville: tankuvani, kove-kove [Rotokas], kong-kong [Halia]; Norfolk Island: mike Bismarck
Archipelago / New Britain: kaur [= bamboo; Gazelle Peninsuala]; New Ireland: ngab [King-tribe];
Niu Gini / Papua
New Guinea:
standard and most
common in use:
susap [Pidgin for Jew’s harp]; general in use, but
without special references: harim susap, pom-pom, pumbune, bom-bom, kalinguang, galinquang,
ding dong; tambagl [Chimbu-tribe, Kuman-language]; gwb [Kalam
people]; uluna, [Bosavi-Kaluli], tambag [Angalimp-Minj-tribes]; silib [Yuri-culture]; tofugo, tofuro, tofugona [all from the Jate- (or Yate-) language-area]; hirima [in Tairora-language area]; tombagl [Meaim language-area]; lino, lin, ngau [all three in Enga
language-area]; abid [Waina-culture]; fomikaue [Jagaria language-area]; hotoro [Ino language area]; wege [in Dumaka-language,
Onuma-region, prov. Chimbu]; tapalle
Papua, Papoea / West-New Guinea: tungge; toka2 [little Jew’s harp], momborsa [tall Jew’s harp;
the last two found in the language of Samarokena, district Sarmi,
Central New
Guinea: tabale
[Golin, in the Dom
language area],
tàblimé [Salt-Yui]; Eastern Highlands: wano [Agarabi], futjien wakan [Asmat-tribes], ontoi, ontóímá [Auyaana-Kosena], ponro [Awa], pirandaza [Barua],
sipilohi [out of bamboo; Bena-Bena], ondösa [Binumarien], ogíné [Foré], ondo’ni [Gadsup],
mbalavala [Asaro], tapelle [woman’s Jew’s harp, bamboo - Chimbu or Simbu border near Jiwaka province], hónto
[Kamano, in
Kafé-language, Kainnatu district], hóndo [among Karafu, in
hontua [Kanite], kóí [Siane], oqoka [Tairora], oqtóma [Usarufa]; East-Sepik: bobuhul [Bahinemo]; turbei [Tekin Valley] torbing, ’savyk, sapyt [last two names
among the Iatmul];
Star Mountains,
West-Sepik: susaf; Madang: dumbing, ken ndombing [Surio]; Dreikikir-district: binatang [precursor of the Jew’s
harp as a buzzing sagobeetle, among the Wom- or Wam-speaking tribes]; Milne Bay: veve [Daga]; Morobé-district: begnankr [Snake Valley, Buang-pop.], madarang [Adzera]; begog, agis [= little cord; both from the Buang], biy goy-goy, horouves [Kunimaipa], bajoog [Manga-Buang], kolanduwei [Biangai], siringa [Waffa], begu [Suena], tompupae [= penis; Wajokeso/Ampale], wilimp [Weri], bigon [Dani]; the North: pupuaka [Managalasi], bebetoe [Upper Managalasi], bemudo, bigoru [both among the Yareba]; Biak/Tanah
Merah/Lake Sentani
(Papua): songer; pipo, bibo [both among the
Southern Highlands: moio; hili yula [Huli-tribes], dameno
[Foi-tribe in Kutubu]; Western Highlands: ŋawmbo [Narak], gabudi [Kobon], gaub [Mareng], tambat [Wahgi]; West-Sepik: ‘mengugo [Amanab], talaam [Tifalmin], tálaam [Telefomin], n’džondžo [Washkuk], tibár [Watapor]; Northeast: tanguri [Bariai],
pingoru [Orokaiva]; Geza-region: darumbere, darubiri
[turnip-shaped Jew’s
harp of bamboo/wood], dàrombi; Portugese part of New Guinea: balimbo [derived from berimbau]
lynesia Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia
sia Micronesia Micronesia Micronesia Micronesia Micronesia Micronesia
Polynesia: standard name: utété
Marquesas Islands: utété, ukēkē, tita’a kohe, titapu
Hiva Oa: titapu
Rabi: karebwerebwe [= to tap; Jew’s
harp-precursor made from a coconut midrib leaf + strip of palm-leaflet]
Tonga: utété, mokena
Cook Islands: pokakakaka [Aitutaki]; tangi ko’e [Mangaia]; vivo [Puka-Puka/Tuamotu or Danger Islands]
Aotearoa/New Zealand: rooria, rōria, kukau, pakakau; pakuru, paakuru [the last two are obsolete when made out of wood; it
was beaten with a wooden bar of 15cm; later there was a survival but then the
instrument was made of metal and, even more, of whalebone]
Rarotonga: titapu
Samoa: utété
Hawaii Islands: nī‘au kani [= singing splinter, singing shiver], utété, ukēkē
[all obsolete]
Caroline Islands/Palau: tum tum ra lild; Polowat, Pollap, Pulusuk-islands: filipwow [from
recording collection: Micronesian Music Project, 1979]; Chuuk: filipwow,
tinipwow [Brian Diettrich, 2009: 305];
Pohnpei Island/Pingelap Island: susap, didipwiapw
[Diettrich, 2011: 226/ the last name was probably imported from Pingelap atoll], keseng [a
general term for “sound producer” / Christian 1899]
Marian Archipelago: belembaupachot [influence from Portugese
berimbau]; Guam: belémban-bátchot [Portugese
influence; Chamorro-popul.]
Oceania: in general use: tanleo, paidama, kalinguong
Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa
Africa Africa
Congo: muzumbi [made out of raffia-leave]
Niger/Nigeria: bambaro [Songhay-tribe]; bamboro, zagada [last: foreign import, obsolete; both were from European origin; Jew’s
harps among Zamfara-Haoussa tribes]
Niger: biliaro [Haoussa-tribes]
Nigeria: aduvut [ ▼ vary rare, venecular wooden
type among the Rukuta-population]
Tanzania: koma [instrument that has parallels
to the Jew’s harp; it is made of bali-wood; Tanganyika, Shambala-tribe]
Burkina Faso: dondoluru [native
mouth-lamella; Fulbe-tribes];
Cameroun: bomboro [from European origin], boomaro [Fulani];
Malagasy Republic/Madagascar: lokanga viva [vernacular name but obsolete
among Betsileo-/Merina-/Hova-population]
Ethiopia, Eritrea: manarve [= mouth-lamellae – a vernacular name
but obsolete now; a relict in the Barya-language] namarue [no special geographical reference on this name, but it is very
similar to the obsolete name from Eritrean Barya-language]
South Africa: seku beku, setjoli [both are present among
isitolotplo; isi tholotholo, isi
thwelethwele [both
are present among Xhosa and Zulu-populations]; in Afrikaans: trompie
This paragraph is for the one who has noticed that there
are more names for the Jew’s harp, but not mentioned in this booklet. When
you are that person, we invite you to send us those names [with - as much if
possible - information about the place, the people, languages, islands,
nations, reference, year et cetera]. Please write to the e-mail address:
to: (voorheen
stichting) / (formerly foundation) Antropodium
(publisher) -
Lijsterbeslaan 19 - 4334 BM -
Middelburg - The Netherlands
Most important references
in Literature
1. Vertkov, Konstantin et alii 1975. The Jew’s harp in the Soviet Union
[translation: Leonard Fox]. In: Atlas
Muzukal’nykh Instrumentov Narodov
SSSR [2nd, revised and enlarged edition]. Moscow. [In: VIM 3, 1987, p. 39-59];
2. Crane, Frederick 1982. Jew’s [Jaw’s? Jeu? Jeugd? Gewgaw? Juice?] Harp. In: VIM 1. Iowa City [USA]. p. 29-41; VIM 9. Mt.
Pleasant. P. 3
3. Boone, Hubert 1986. De Mondtrom. De
Volksmuziekinstrumenten in België en Nederland. Brussel. p. 9-11, 51;
4. Plate, Regina 1992. Bezeichnungen
für die Maultrommel. In: Kulturgeschichte
der Maultrommel. Bonn.
Orpheus-Schriftenreihe, Band 64, p. 119-158, 231-235;
5. Chenoweth,
Vida 1976. Musical Instruments of Papua New Guinea. Ukarumpa.
p. 14-20;
6. Marcuse, Sibyl 1964. Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive
Dictionary. Garden City. p. 264-265, s.v.
Jew’s harp
7. Wright,
John/McLean, Mervyn 1984. The New
Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. London. Vol. II, p. 326-328, s.v.: Jew’s harp.
8. Dournon-Taurelle, Geneviève/Wright, John
1978. Les
Guimbardes du Musée de l’Homme
[Catalogue]. Institut d’Ethnologie. Paris. Passim p.
9. Ypey, Jaap 1976. Mondharpen.
Amersfoort. uitg.:
Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundige Bodemonderzoek [R.O.B.] - p. 209-231, in: Antiek, nr. 11 [1976/1977]
- UFSIA: MAG – T 277:87
10. V.I.M.-Volumes, editor Frederick Crane – for overview click
here: http://www.antropodium.nl/allVIMs.htm#oversightvim
11. Bachmann-Geiser, Brigitte 1981. Die Volksmusikinstrumente der Schweiz. Zürich. p. 38-40